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Neocleous, Savvas |
Heretics, schismatics, or Catholics? : Latin attitudes to the Greeks in the long twelfth century |
H-04.-1102 |
©2019 |
monografia |
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The Fourth Lateran Council and the crusade movement : the impact of the Council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the East |
H-04.-1108 |
2018 |
monografia |
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Campbell, William H. |
The landscape of pastoral care in thirteenth-century England |
H-04.-1100 |
2018 |
monografia |
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Le légendier de Moissac et la culture hagiographique méridionale autour de l'an mil |
H-04.-1101 |
2018 |
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Derat, Marie-Laure |
L'énigme d'une dynastie sainte et usurpatrice dans le royaume chrétien d'Éthiopie du 11. au 13. siècle |
H-04.-1107 |
2018 |
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Berclaz, Kérim |
Les voies de l'éternité : les testaments des évêques de Lausanne et la construction d'une mémoire épiscopale (14.-15. s.) |
H-04.-1109 |
2017 |
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Lusset, Élisabeth |
Crime, châtiment et grâce dans les monastères au Moyen Âge (12.-15. siècle) |
H-04.-1106 |
2017 |
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Smith, Thomas W. |
Curia and crusade : Pope Honorius 3. and the recovery of the Holy Land, 1216-1227 |
H-04.-1104 |
2017 |
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Maillard-Luypaert, Monique |
Papauté, clercs et laïcs : le diocèse de Cambrai à l'épreuve du grand schisme d'Occident, 1378 - 1417 |
H-04.-1103 |
2001 |
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Bessarion. Studie zur Geschichte der Renaissance. |
H-04.-110 |
1904 |
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Dolbeau, François |
Un légendier perdu, de type aquitain |
H-04.-1101 |
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Vandeburie, Jan |
Dominus papa volens scire : echoes of the Fourth Lateran Council's Crusade and mission agenda in thirteenth-century manuscripts : chapter fourteen |
H-04.-1108 |
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Bysted, Ane |
Remission of sins or of penances : the meaning of crusade indulgences before and at the Fourth Lateran Council : chapter two |
H-04.-1108 |
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Jullien, Christelle |
Vamnes, un martyr perse retrouvé : une page orientale du légendier de Moissac |
H-04.-1101 |
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Allington, Richard |
Crusading piety and the development of crusading devotions at the Fourth Lateran Council : chapter one |
H-04.-1108 |
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Nielsen, Torben Kjersgaard |
The Virgin at the Lateran : the Baltic Crusades, Rome and the Mother of God : chaper nine |
H-04.-1108 |
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Panfili, Didier |
En guise d'introduction : autour du légendier de Moissac : temporel, memoria et cartularisation à Moissac (9.-milieu 12. siècle) |
H-04.-1101 |
titolo analitico |
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Bird, Jessalynn Lea |
The Fourth Lateran Council, peace and the protection of Crusades rights during the Crusades of Frederick 2. : chapter thirteen |
H-04.-1108 |
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Gomez, Miguel |
Archbishop Rodrigo, Honorius 3., and the Fifth Crusade in Spain : chapter ten |
H-04.-1108 |
titolo analitico |
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Smith, Thomas W. |
Conciliar influence on Ad liberandam : chapter eleven |
H-04.-1108 |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 45)