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The Fourth Lateran Council and the crusade movement : the impact of the Council of 1215 on Latin Christendom and the East




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Meschini, Marco

Innocent 3., the Fourth Lateran Council and the Albigensian Crusade : chapter six


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Smith, Damian

The Fourth Lateran Council and the Crusades : an introduction


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Todesca, James J.

Mediterranean trade in the Wake of Lateran 4. : the Millares revisited : chapter twelve


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Bird, Jessalynn Lea

The Fourth Lateran Council, peace and the protection of Crusades rights during the Crusades of Frederick 2. : chapter thirteen


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Murray, Alan V.

Adding to the multitude of fish : Pope Innocent 3., Bishop Albert of Riga and the conversion of the indigenous peoples of Livonia : chapter eight


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Smith, Thomas W.

Conciliar influence on Ad liberandam : chapter eleven


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Vandeburie, Jan

Dominus papa volens scire : echoes of the Fourth Lateran Council's Crusade and mission agenda in thirteenth-century manuscripts : chapter fourteen


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Bysted, Ane

Remission of sins or of penances : the meaning of crusade indulgences before and at the Fourth Lateran Council : chapter two


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Alvira Cabrer, Martin

La convocation du Quatrième Concile du Latran et la Croisade contre les Albigeois : chapter four


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Smith, Damian

The reconciliation of Guillem Ramon de Montcada, the Albigensian Crusade and Fourth Lateran : chapter seven


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Allington, Richard

Crusading piety and the development of crusading devotions at the Fourth Lateran Council : chapter one


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Madden, Thomas F.

Oaths broken, yet fulfilled : Venice, Innocent 3., and the Patriarchate of Constantinople : chapter three


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Nielsen, Torben Kjersgaard

The Virgin at the Lateran : the Baltic Crusades, Rome and the Mother of God : chaper nine


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Gomez, Miguel

Archbishop Rodrigo, Honorius 3., and the Fifth Crusade in Spain : chapter ten


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Raguin, Marjolaine

Le concile de Latran dans la Chanson de la Croisade albigeoise, une acmé : chapter five


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