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SCHIFFMAN, Lawrence H. |
The prohibition of the Skins of animals in the Temple scroll and ''Miqsat Ma-aseh ha-Torah''. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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KLEIN, Lillian R. |
Structure, irony and meaning in the book of Judges. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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KNOHL, Israel |
The priestly Torah versus the Holiness school: ideological aspects. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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WENHAM, Gordon J. |
Contemporary Bible commentary: the primacy of exegesis and the religious dimension. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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CHAZON, Esther G. |
"Divrei ha-Me'orot". Liturgy or literature? |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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PEREZ, Maaravi |
Structural remarck in R. Moshe Ibn Gikatill's commentary on Psalms. (testo ebraico) |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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PROCKTER, Lewis J. |
Torah as a fence against Apocalyptic speculation: Ben Sira 3:17-24. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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RACHAMAN, Yosefa |
Rashi: the enigma of the so called "dual-interpretation". |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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REHFELD, Walter |
Miracle experience of biblical man. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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How to approach Leviticus. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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LURIE, Ben'Zion |
The ninth vision of Zechariah (5:5-11). |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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GELANDER, Shamai |
The language of the wicked in the Psalms. (testo ebraico) |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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GENOT-BISMUTH, Jacqueline |
Les Tefilim de Qumran: pour une approche anthropologique. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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GEVARYAHU, Hayyim M. I. |
The phenomenon of the anonymity of authors and compilers in Biblical literature. (testo ebraico) |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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GITIN, Seymour |
The effects of urbanization on a Philistine city-state: Tel Miqne-Ekron in the Iron age II period. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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CROWN, Alan David |
Qumran or the Samaritans: which has the closer connection with the New Testament? |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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TOUITOU, Elazar |
Traces of the commentary of Rashbam in Rashi's commentary to the Pentateuch. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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FELDMAN, Louis H. |
Josephus' portrait of Jacob. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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FELIKS, Jehuda |
The song of the Vineyard: the allegory and its agricultural background. |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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SHUPAK, Nili |
Did the phenomenon of biblical prophecy exist in ancient Egypt? |
R-18.-c-388-(1) |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 49)