Nuova ricerca
(Elementi trovati: 13)
Visualizza documentiAutore | Titolo | Collocazione | Anno | Tipologia | Visualizza | ||
2010 |
monografia |
Choricius of Gaza, Oration 13. : religion and state in the age of Justinian |
titolo analitico |
"Patres orphanorum" : Ambrose of Milan and the construction of the role of bishop |
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A strange consensus : daemonological discourse in Origen, Porphyry, and Iamblichus |
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titolo analitico |
Torah, Torah, Torah : the authorship of the Pentateuch in ancient and early modern times |
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titolo analitico |
Origen on the limes : rhetoric and the polarization of identity in the late third century |
titolo analitico |
Calming an angry enemy : Attila, Leo 1., and the diplomacy of ambiguity, 452 |
titolo analitico |