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Terrorism through the ages




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Leach, Daniel

"Bringing a pitiful giant to his knees" : blowing up monuments as subversive political violence, 1840-1970


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Mori, Francesco

Tyrants and terror : violence and fear in the literary accounts of the athenian civil wars


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Beek, Aaron L.

A rhetoric of terrorism, a rhetoric of piracy : comparing roman and post-9-11 designations of terrorist


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Konrad, Tatiana

The body at war : reimagining the Irish Troubles through the post-9-11 aesthetics of torture in Steve McQueen's Hunger


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Crossland, James

The original "spectacular"? : The intentions and impacts of the 1858 Orsini Bombing


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Cook, Paul J.

War of the words : Shultz, Weinberger, and the rhetoric of retaliation against Cold War era terrorism


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Briskey, Mark

How to understand an enigmatic ally : the Pakistan army, strategic culture, and its conflicted relationship with terrorism


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Silva, Kalinga Tudor

ISIS propaganda and local triggers as drivers of islamic radicalisation : a sociological analysis of Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka


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Smith, Timothy

State terrorism in the late roman Republic


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Shlapentokh, Dmitry

"Jihadization" of islamic resistance : the pattern of great revolutions from nationalist movements to radicalism : a case study of Chechnya and its implications for terrorist activity


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Nisa, João

The manifold impact of Chevauchées as policies of terror (c. 1350-1400)


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Millington, Chris

Mad or bad? : Paul Gorguloff, the man who killed the french president in 1932


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Sá, Katty Cristina Lima

Guides for the "Fight in the Cause of Allah" : the Inspire and Dabiq Magazines and their roles in the disclosure of Jihad


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Wrightson, Graham

The legacy of 9-11 as a window to examine terrorism through the ages


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Zoller, Silke

Terrorist extradition through the ages


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Miller, Elizabeth L.

The rhetorics of terror : Osama bin Laden, George W. Bush, and rethinking the 9-11 attacks


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Mathoor, Vineeth

Who owns terrorism in democracy? : State terrorism and violence in India, 1966-1984


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González-Ocaña, Jaime A.

Eternal enmity between East and West : The mechanics of retribution in Herodotus' historical causation and the 21st-century war on terror


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Stern, Gaius

Mucius Scaevola : an ancient roman terrorist


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