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(Elementi trovati: 13)
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THE CHURCH RENEWED. The documents of Vatican II reconsidered. |
H-07.-e-309 |
1986 |
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BRENNAN, Margaret |
Commentary on the decree on the appropriate renewal of the religious life Perfectae Caritatis. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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GORSKI, Isidore |
Commentary on the decree on the apostolate of the laity Apostolicam Actuositatem. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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Commentary on the declaration on the relationship of the Church to non-Christian religions. Nostra Aetate. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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Commentary on the decree on the church's missionary activity Ad Gentes. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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FLAHIFF, George Bernard |
Recollections of a Council Father. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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SCHNER, George |
Commentary on the dogmatic constitution on Divinae Revelation Dei Verbum. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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SCHNER, Joseph |
Commentary on the decree on priestly formation Optatam Totius. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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STOGRE, Michael |
Commentary on the pastoral constitution on the Church in the modern world Gaudium et Spes. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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ELEY, David |
Commentary on the decree on the instruments of social communications Inter Mirifica. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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FAHEY, Michael Andrew |
Commentary on the dogmatic constitution on the Church "Lumen Gentium". |
H-07.-e-309 |
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Commentary on the declaration on religious freedom Dignitas Humanae. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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Commentary on the decree on ecumenism Unitatis rRdintegratio. |
H-07.-e-309 |
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