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Volume 2.: Selected papers of the DVK International Conference on Vatican 2. / Shaji George Kochuthara, CMI editor




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Ruozzi, Federico

India and indian catholicism on italian television : The italian television programmes about the Second Vatican Council as an opportunity to explore the local churches away from Rome


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Appiah-Kubi, Francis

The Church - family of God: a paradigm shift in the second vatican ecclesiology


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Vadakkel, Thomas

An analysis of Pauls image of the body of Christ in Lumen Gentium, 7:1-3


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Cacho, Rebecca G.

The Church as Bakas (sacrament) of the Kingdom of God


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Smytsnyuk, Pavlo

The teaching of Vatican 2. and eucharistic ecclesiology : Did orthodox theology influence Vatican 2.?


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Gonzales, Dennis T.

Shared mission : strenghtening co-responsibility of the majority and the minority faithful


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Arickappallil, Isaac

Communion ecclesiology of Vatican 2. : An investigation into the explorations of D.M. Doyle and J. Kallarangatt


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Decarli, Andrea

The contribution of the Second Vatican Council to the theology of the laity


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Dagmang, Ferdinand D.

From Vatican 2. to PCP to BEC too : progressive localization of a new state of mind to a new state of affairs


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Geldhof, Joris

How modern was Vatican 2. in matters liturgical? Some reflections on the basis of a reading of Sacrosanctum Concilium and a comparison with Trent


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Odchigue, Randy J. C.

Re-visiting Kasper-Ratzinger debate : the relevance of Kasper's theological method to asian context


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Berchmans Barla, John

Communion Ecclesiology


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Kirschner, Martin

Catholicity as witness and dialogue


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Varayilan, Davis

Vatican 2.: A new Pentecost


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Borja, Warlito

A glogal declericalized Church in response to globalization


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Kavalackal, Rajesh

Humanum as the goal of the Kingdom of God : The newness in the Vatican 2. on the concept of the human dignity and human destiny and its influence in theologians like Edward Schillebeeckx


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Pazhukkathara, Joshy George

Is Christ (still) present in the Church? The reality of appearance: a study in the theology of disclosure


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Kochuthara, Thomas

Church of Vatican 2. : an experience of freedom and liberation


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Sheveland, John N.

The "rich soil of Asia": a north american appreciation of theological method in the federation of asian bishops' conferences


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