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Jesuit intellectual and physical exchange between England and mainland Europe, c. 1580-1789 : "The world is our house"?




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Kelly, James E.

Jesuit news networks and Catholic identity : the letters of John Thorpe to the English Carmelite nuns at Nierre at Lierre, 1769-1789 : chapter 14


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Whitehead, Maurice

"Established and putt in good order" : the Venerable English College, Rome, under Jesuit administration, 1579-1685 : chapter 13


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Sáez Hidalgo, Ana

"Extravagant" English books at the library of El Escorial and Jesuit agency : chapter 7


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Graffius, Janet

Relics and cultures of commemoration in the English Jesuit College of St. Omers in the Spanish Netherlands : chapter 5


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Weinreich, Spencer J.

England in the margin : Providence and historiography in Pedro de Ribadeneyra's Historia ecclesiastica del scisma del reyno de Inglaterra : chapter 11


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Cichy, Andrew

Scheming Jesuits and sound doctrine? : the influence of the Jesuits on English Catholic music at home and abroad, c.1580-1640 : chapter 6


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Fielitz, Sonja

Jesuit drama crossing the Channel : Jakob Gretser and William Shakespeare's Pericles and Timon of Athens : chapter 4


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Thomas, Hannah

Spiritual exercises and spiritual exercises : ascetic intellectual exchange in the English Catholic community, c.1600-1794 : chapter 12


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Calma, Clarinda

Edmund Campion's Prague homilies : the Concionale ex concionibus a R.P. Edmundo Campiano : chapter 2


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Zavarský, Svorad

Invisible threads of Divine Providence : the British links in the polemical theology of Martinus Szent-Ivany (1633-1705) : chapter 9


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McCoog, Thomas M.

Spoils of war? : the Edict of Restitution and Benefactions to the English Province of the Society of Jesus : chaper 8


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Kilroy, Gerard

"To wyn yow to heaven" : Edmund Campion's winning words : chapter 1


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Gillett, Christopher P.

Probabilism, pluralism, and papalism : Jesuit allegiance politics in the British Atlantic and continental Europe, 1644-1650 : chapter 10


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Houliston, Victor

The most Catholic king and the "Hispanized Camelion" : Philip 2. and Robert Persons : chapter 3


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