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Missions, nationalism, and the end of empire |
F-33.-0051 |
2003 |
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Bays, Daniel H. |
Foreign Missions and Indigenous Protestant Leaders in China, 1920-1955: identity and Loyalty in an Age of Powerful Nationalism |
F-33.-0051 |
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Stuart, John |
"Speaking for the Unvoiced"? : British Missionaries and Aspects of African Nationalism, 1949-1959 |
F-33.-0051 |
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Lehmann, Hartmut |
Missionaries without Empire: German Protestant Missionary Efforts in the Interwar Period (1919-1939) |
F-33.-0051 |
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Howell, Caroline |
Church and State in Crisis: the Deposititon of the Kabaka of Buganda, 1953-1955 |
F-33.-0051 |
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Hastings, Adrian |
The Clash of Nationalism and Universalism within Twentieth-Century Missionary Christianity |
F-33.-0051 |
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Porter, Andrew Neil |
The Universities' Mission to Central Africa: Anglo-Catholicism and the Twentieth-Century Colonial Encounter |
F-33.-0051 |
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Boobbyer, Philip |
Moral Re-Armament in Africa in the Era of Decolonization |
F-33.-0051 |
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Stanley, Brian |
Christianity and the End of Empire |
F-33.-0051 |
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Peterson, Derek R. |
The Rhetoric of the Word: Bible Translation and Mau Mau in Colonial Central Kenya |
F-33.-0051 |
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Brown, Judith Margaret |
Who is an Indian? : dilemmas of National Identity at the End of the British Raj in India |
F-33.-0051 |
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Yip, Ka-che |
China and Christianity: perspectives on Missions, Nationalism, and the State in the Republican Period, 1912-1949 |
F-33.-0051 |
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Kalu, Ogbu Uke |
Passive Revolution and Its Saboteurs: African Christian Initiative in the Era of Decolonization, 1955-1975 |
F-33.-0051 |
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Gaitskell, Deborah |
Apartheid, Mission, and Independent Africa: from Pretoria to Kampala with Hannah Stanton |
F-33.-0051 |
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Elphick, Richard |
Missions and Afrikaner Nationalism: soundings in the Prehistory of Apartheid |
F-33.-0051 |
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