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Sister Reformations 2. : Reformation and Ethics in Germany and in England |
D-08.-0026 |
2014 |
monografia |
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Marshall, Peter |
Ethics and identity in the English and German Reformations |
D-08.-0026 |
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Trim, David J.B |
"Put all to the sword": the effects of Reformation on the ethics of war in Germany and England |
D-08.-0026 |
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Hillerbrand, Hans Joachim |
The ethics of the radical Reformation |
D-08.-0026 |
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Stegmann, Andreas |
Ethical instruction in the German and English Reformations |
D-08.-0026 |
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Hamm, Berndt |
Heilsgabe, Glaube und Handeln in der kontinentalen Reformation : das Paradigma Martin Luthers |
D-08.-0026 |
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Kaufmann, Thomas |
Ideas and practices of economics and social ethics in early Reformation |
D-08.-0026 |
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Stegmann, Andreas |
Ethische Unterweisung in der deutschen und englischen Reformation |
D-08.-0026 |
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Gehring, David Scott |
Ethics and Anglo-German relations during the wars of religion |
D-08.-0026 |
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Deuschle, Matthias A. |
Ecclesiastical jurisdiction, ecclesiastical discipline and lived morality before and after the Reformation in South-Western Germany |
D-08.-0026 |
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Dembek, Arne |
Political ethics in the English and German Reformation : William Tyndale and Robert Barnes as interpreters of Luther's Doctrine of the Two Regiments |
D-08.-0026 |
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Deuschle, Matthias A. |
Kirchliche Gerichtsbarkeit, Kirchenzucht und die sittliche Wirklichkeit vor und nach der Reformation im Südwesten Deutschlands |
D-08.-0026 |
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Kaufmann, Thomas |
Wirtschafts- und sozialethische Vorstellungen und Praktiken in der Frühzeit der Reformation |
D-08.-0026 |
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Ryrie, Alec |
Mission and empire : an ethical puzzle in early modern Protestantism |
D-08.-0026 |
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Dembek, Arne |
Politische Ethik in der englischen und deutschen Reformation : William Tyndale und Robert Barnes als Interpreten der Zwei-Regimenten-Lehre Luthers |
D-08.-0026 |
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Hamm, Berndt |
The Gift of salvation, faith, and action in the Continental Reformation : the paradigm of Martin Luther |
D-08.-0026 |
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Null, Ashley |
A Reformation Chiasmus : marriage's Reformation in Germany and England |
D-08.-0026 |
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