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Studies on the liturgies of the Christian east : selected papers of the Third International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Volos, May 26-30, 2010




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Stoyánov Ivanov, Iván

Byzantine and slavonic musical treatises and the bulgarian orthodox tradition : the rila monastery musical manuscripts


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Johnson, Maxwell E.

Sharing "the cup of christ" : the cessation of martyrdom and anaphoral development


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Nassis, Chrysostom

The eucharist, the presanctified liturgy and great lent : two contemporary decisions of the patriarchal synod of Constantinople


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Maniyattu, Poulose

Inculturation of the east syrian liturgy of marriage by the St. Thomas Christians in India


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Pott, Thomas

"De ceremonii" et mise en scène : le rituel comme "tradition" de mémoire


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Spinks, Bryan D.

Carefully chosen words? : the christological intentionality in the institution narrative and the epiclesis of the syriac anaphora of St. James


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Leonhard, Clemens

Why does Theodore of mopsuestia interpret the liturgies in an allegorical way?


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Galadza, Peter

Translating the "Septuagint" psalter into english for use in byzantine christian worship : the state of the question and several proposals


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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria

The liturgical background of the crucifizion and resurrection scene of the syriac gospel codex of Rabbula : an example of the relatedness between liturgy and iconography


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Frøyshov, Stig Simeon R.

The resurrection office of the first millennium Jerusalem liturgy and tis adoption by close peripheries : part 1. : the pre-gospel section


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Koumarianos, Pavlos

Personal initiative vs. synodical institutionalization : establishment of catholicity whitin the liturgical process and the problem of translating liturgical texts into modern greek in the church of greece today


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Lossky, Andre

Temps et eschatologie dans le rite byzantin : le témoignage des typica Sabaïtes


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Alexopoulos, Stefanos

Praying while praying : a unique office of holy communion


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Yiangou, Theodore X.

From the "untestified" to "instituted" liturgical practice : the quest of Nikon of the black Mountain


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Panagou, Christos

The rite of Adelfopoiia : a fresh look at the evidence


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Fritsch, Emmanuel

Concelebration of the eucharistic liturgy in the ethiopian tradition


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Taft, Robert F.

Eucharistic concelebration in greek orthodoxy yesterday and today


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