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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 28)
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Autore |
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Engert, Tamara |
Eucharistieverehrung, Konfessionalisierung, Katechese : ikonographische, funktions- und medientheoretische Überlegungen am Beispiel der Charnier-Fenster von Saint-Etienne-du-Mont in Paris |
C-12.-b-1059 |
2018 |
monografia |
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Teteriatnikov, Natalia B. |
Justinianic mosaics of Hagia Sophia and their aftermath |
C-12.-b-1055 |
2017 |
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Munns, John |
Cross and culture in Anglo-Norman England : theology, imagery, devotion |
C-12.-b-1050 |
2016 |
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Greenstein, Jack Matthew |
Creation of Eve and Renaissance naturalism : visual theology and artistic invention |
C-12.-b-1053 |
2016 |
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Études coptes 14. : seizième journée d'études (Genève, 19-21 juin 2013) |
C-12.-b-1052 |
2016 |
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Protestantischer Kirchenbau der Frühen Neuzeit in Europa Protestant |
C-12.-b-1057 |
2015 |
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1: The art, architecture and archaeology of the Royal Abbey |
C-12.-b-1051-(1) |
2015 |
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2: The art, architecture and archaeology of the Royal Palace |
C-12.-b-1051-(2) |
2015 |
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D'Hainaut-Zveny, Brigitte |
Machinae spirituales : les retables baroques dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux et en Europe : contributions à une histoire formelle du sentiment religieux au 17. siècle |
C-12.-b-1056 |
2014 |
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Lutheran churches in early modern Europe |
C-12.-b-1058 |
2012 |
monografia |
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Das Lutherhaus Wittenberg : ein bauhistorischer Rundgang |
C-12.-b-1054 |
2002 |
monografia |
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Les baptistères paléochrétiens. Plans,notices et bibliographie. |
C-12.-b-105 |
1962 |
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Crăicun, Maria |
Marian Imagery and its Function in the Lutheran Churches of Early Modern Transylvania |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Harasimowicz, Jan |
Lutheran Churches in Poland |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Havsteen, Sven Rune |
Luthern Theology and Artistic Media : Responses to the Theological Discourse on the Visual Arts |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Madej-Anderson, Agnieszka |
Lutherans in Cracow : Contesting the Sacred Topography |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Gray, Emily Fisher |
Lutheran Churches and Confessional Competition in Augsburg |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Deiters, Maria |
Epitaphs in Dialogue with Sacred Space : Post-Reformation Furnishings in the Parish Churches of St Nikolai and St Marien in Berlin |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Spicer, Andrew |
Lutheran Churches and Confessional Identity |
C-12.-b-1058 |
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Range, Matthias |
The Material Presence of Music in Church : The Hanseatic City of Lubeck |
C-12.-b-1058 |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 28)