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Asceticism and Exegesis in Early Christianity : the reception of New Testament texts in ancient ascetic discourses




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Chin, Catherine M.

Who is the ascetic exegete? : angels, enchantments and transformative food in Origens Homilies on Joshua


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Meiser, Martin

Johannes der Täufer als Asket


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Karmann, Thomas R.

"Er erkannte sie aber nicht,..." : Maria, das Virginitätsideal und Mt 1,18-25 im späten 4. Jahrhundert


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Davis, Stephen J.

Completing the race and receiving the crown : 2 Timothy 4:7-8 in early christian monastic epitaphs at Kellia and Pherme


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Jacobs, Andrew S.

Sprdid bodies : Christs circumcision and sacrifice in Origens fourteenth Homily on Luke


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Hoffmann, Andreas

"Ad Dei munera per diuina praecepta" (Cypr., hab. uirg : Ethische Unterweisung und ihre biblische Begründung in Cyprians Schrift de habitu uirginum


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Matz, Brian J.

Ascetic readings of the agricultural parables in Matt 13:1-48 in the Cappadocians


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Burrus, Virginia

"The passover still takes place today" : exegesis, asceticism, judaism and Origens On Passover


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Leemans, Johan

Biblical interpretation in Basil of Caesareas Asketikon


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Moawad, Samuel

Schenute von Atripe und die Auslegung der Heiligen Schriften


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Horyacha, Mariya

The spiritual interpretation of the Pauline writings in the ascetic writings of Pseudo-Macarius


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Theobald, Michael

Die Hochzeit zu Kana (Joh 2,1-11) : ein Problem für Asketen?


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Brakke, David

Reading the New Testament and transforming the self in Evagrius of Pontus


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Sypt, Liesbeth : van der

The use of 1 Cor 7:36-38 in early christian ascetism


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Kovacs, Judith L.

Was Paul an Antinomian, a radical ascetic or a sober married man? : exegetical debates in Clement of Alexandrias Stromateis 3


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Barrier, Jeremy W.

Ascetisms in the Acts of Paul and Thecla's beatitudes : the coptic Heidelberg papyrus as an exegetical test case


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Merkt, Andreas

Reading Paul and drinking wine


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Weidemann, Hans-Ulrich

Engelsgleiche, Abstinente - und ein moderater Weintrinker : Asketische Sinnproduktion als literarische Technik im Lukasevangelium und im 1. Timotheusbrief


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Clark, Elizabeth A.

Jews, camels and "literal" exegesis : the Pelagian treatise De Diviitis


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