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Steyn, Gert Jacobus

The text form of the Torah quotations common to the Corpus Philonicum and Pauls' Corinthian correspondence


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Smit, Joop

The function of the two quotations from Isaiah in Luke 3-4


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Moyise, Steve

Matthews' Bible in the infancy narrative


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North, J. Lionel

Jan van den Driessche (Johannes Drusius) 1550-1616 and the study of the Old Testament in the New


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Docherty, Susan E.

The reception of Tobit in the New Testament and early Christian literature, with specal reference to Luke-Acts


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Belle, Gilbert : van

The signs of the Messiah in the Fourth Gospel : The problem of a "wonder-working Messiah"


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Court, John M.

Tracing Scriptural authority


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Allen, David M.

Why bother going outside? : The use of the Old Testament in Heb 13:10-16


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The scriptures of Israel in Jewish and Christian tradition : essays in honour of Marteen J. J. Menken



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Labahn, Michael

"Das Buch dieser Prophetie" : Die Schriften Israels und die Schrift des Sehers : Überlegungen zur Schrifthermeneutik der Johannesoffenbarung


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Smit Sibinga, Joost

Theme and variations : Isaiahs' song of the vineyard and its influence in the New Testament


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Koet, Bart J.

Isaiah 60:17 as a Key for Understanding the Two-fold Ministry of episkopoi and diakonoi according to First Clement (1 Clem 42:5)


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Koet, Bart J.

Maarten Menken : A portrait in words


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Wieringen, Archibald L.H.M. : van

The Theologoumenon "new" : Bridging the Old and the New Testament


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Horst, Pieter Willem : van der

Biblical quotations in Judaeo-Greek inscriptions


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Denaux, Adelbert

The use of scripture in Luke 9:51-56


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Busse, Ulrich

Reinigung und Heiligung im Johannesevangelium


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Ottenheijm, Eric

"Which if a man do them he shall live by them" : Jewish and Chirstian discourse on Lev


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Doble, Peter

"Are these things so?" (Acts7:1) : A narrative-intertextual approach to reading Stephens' Speech


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Beentjes, Pancratius C.

Saint Augustines' sermons 38-41 on the Book of Ben Sira


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