(Elementi trovati: 12)
Visualizza documentiAutore | Titolo | Collocazione | Anno | Tipologia | Visualizza | ||
2013 |
monografia |
God, memory and beauty : A "Manichaean" analysis of Augustines' Confessions, Book 10,1-38 |
titolo analitico |
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A protreptic to a liminal Manichaean at the centre of Augustines' Confessions 4 |
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"Not to depart from Christ" : Augustine Between "Manichaean" and "Catholic" Christianity |
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Augustine and Manichaean almsgiving : Understanding a universal religion with exclusivist practices |
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The few and the many : A motif of Augustines' controversy with the Manichaeans |
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Re-coding Manichaean imagery : The dramatic setting of Augustines' De Ordine |
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The manichaean bishop Faustus : The state of research after a century of Scholarship |
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Augustine on "the true religion" : Reflections of Manichaeism in De Vera Religione |
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