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(Elementi trovati: 20)
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SCHNEIDER, Norbert |
Die rhetorische Eigenart der paulinischen antithese. |
B-15.-326 |
1970 |
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ERNST, Josef |
Pleroma und Pleroma Christi. Geschichte und Deutung eines Begriffs der paulinischen Antilegomena. |
B-15.-320 |
1970 |
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BRING, Ragnar |
Christus und das Gesetz. Die Bedeutung des Gesetzes des Alten Testaments nach Paulus und sein Glauben an Christus. |
B-15.-325 |
1969 |
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BRING, Ragnar |
Der Brief des Paulus an die Galater. |
B-15.-324 |
1968 |
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PAUL AND QUMRÂN. Studies in New Testament Exegesis. |
B-15.-329 |
1968 |
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MORTON, A. Q. - McLEMAN, James |
Paul, the man and the myth. A study in the authorship of Greek prose. |
B-15.-322 |
1966 |
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McLEMAN, James - MORTON, A. Q. |
Paul, the man and the myth. A study in the authorship pf Greek prose. |
B-15.-322 |
1966 |
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Jesus und Paulus. Eine Vorlesung und einige Aufsätze. |
B-15.-323 |
1961 |
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B-15.-32 |
1947 |
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BUONAIUTI, Ernesto |
San Paolo. |
B-15.-328 |
1925 |
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VÖLTER, Daniel |
Die Komposition der Paulinischen Hauptbriefe. I. der Römer- und Galaterbrief. |
B-15.-321 |
1890 |
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GNILKA, Joachim |
2 Cor 6:14-7:1 in the light of the Qumran texts and the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. |
B-15.-329 |
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COPPENS, Joseph |
"Mystery" in the theology of Saint Paul and its parallels at Qumran. |
B-15.-329 |
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BENOÎT, Pierre |
Qumran and the New Testament. |
B-15.-329 |
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DELCOR, Mathias |
The courts of the Church of Corinth and the courts of Qumran. |
B-15.-329 |
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MUSSNER, Franz |
Contributions made by Qumran to the understanding of the Epistle to the Ephesians. |
B-15.-329 |
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Truth: Paul and Qumran. |
B-15.-329 |
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KUHN, Karl Georg |
The Epistle to the Ephesians in the light of the Qumran texts. |
B-15.-329 |
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The teacher of righteousness of Qumran and the question of justification by faith in the theology of the Apostle Paul. |
B-15.-329 |
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FITZMYER, Joseph A. |
A feature of Qumran angelology and the angels of 1 Cor 11:10 |
B-15.-329 |
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