HOWELL, Leon |
Acting in faith. The World council of churches since 1975. |
A-21.-505 |
1983 |
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MUGAMBI, Jesse Ndwiga Kanyua - MUTISO MBINDA, John - VOLLBRECHT, Judith |
Ecumenical initiatives in Eastern Africa. Final report of the Joint research project of the All Africa conference of churches (AACC) and the Association of member episcopal conferences of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), 1976-1981. |
A-21.-506 |
1982 |
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Ecumenical initiatives in Eastern Africa. Final report of the Joint research project of the All Africa conference of churches (AACC) and the Association of member episcopal conference of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), 1976-1981. |
A-21.-506 |
1982 |
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TOWARDS VISIBLE UNITY. Commission on faith and order, Lima 1982. |
A-21.-509-(1-2) |
1982 |
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HALE, Robert |
Canterbury and Rome: sister churches. A roman catholic monk reflects upon reunion in diversity. |
A-21.-503 |
1982 |
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Appunti per un cammino ecumenico : Testi di A. Gallas...(et al.). Presentazione di Gennaro Pattaro |
A-21.-508 |
1982 |
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Ecumenical initiativegin Eastern Africa. Final report of the Joint research project of the All Africa conference of churches (AACC) and of Eastern Africa (AMECEA), 1976 - 1981. |
A-21.-506 |
1982 |
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KRÜGER, Hanfried |
Ökumenischer Katechismus. Eine kurze Einführung in Wese, Werden und Wirken der Okumene. |
A-21.-501 |
1977 |
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MAY, John |
Sprache der Ökumene. Sprache der Einheit. Die Einheit der Menschheit: Zukünftige Grundlage der theologischen Ethik der katholischen Kirche und des Ökumenischen Rats der Kirchen? |
A-21.-504 |
1976 |
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KRÜGER, Hanfried |
Ökumenische Bewegung, 1973-1974. |
A-21.-500 |
1975 |
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VISSER'T HOOFT, Willem Adolf |
Le mouvement oecuménique et la question raciale. |
A-21.-50 |
1954 |
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GATHERED FOR LIFE. Official report (of the VI assembly of the World Council of Churches. Vancouver, Canada, 24 July 10 August 1983. |
A-21.-507 |
(1983) |
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BEECK, Frans Jozef van |
Grounded in love. Sacramental theology in an ecumenical perspective. |
A-21.-502 |
(1981) |
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SORANI, Giuseppe |
Le radici ebraiche del cristianesimo. |
A-21.-508 |
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Maraschin, Jaci Correia |
Listening to some contemporary statements of faith from Latin America. |
A-21.-509-(2) |
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ODUYOYE, Mercy Amba |
The unity of the church and the renewal of human community: a perspective from Africa. |
A-21.-509-(2) |
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The trinitarian understanding of the Christian God in relation to monotheism and polytheism. |
A-21.-509-(2) |
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RICCA, Paolo - SARTORI, Luigi |
"Venga il tuo Regno". |
A-21.-508 |
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SARTORI, Luigi - RICCA, Paolo |
"Venga il tuo Regno". |
A-21.-508 |
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SARTORI, Luigi - SCUDERI, Giovanni |
Le Chiese e la pace. |
A-21.-508 |
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