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The divine father : religious and philosophical concepts of divine parenthood in antiquity |
A-09.-0251 |
2014 |
monografia |
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Spieckermann, Hermann |
The "Father" of the Old Testament and its history |
A-09.-0251 |
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Tanaseanu-Dobler, Ilinca |
Gott als Vater bei Plotin und Porphyrios |
A-09.-0251 |
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Feldmeier, Reinhard |
Kyrios Christos und Gottvater : Christi Herrschaft und Gottes Vaterschaft im Philipperhymnus |
A-09.-0251 |
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Doering, Lutz |
God as father in texts fron Qumran |
A-09.-0251 |
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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
God as father in the Pentateuchal Targumin |
A-09.-0251 |
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Lieven, Alexandra : von |
Father of the fathers, mother of the mothers : God as father (and mother) in ancinet Egypt |
A-09.-0251 |
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Wilk, Florian |
"Vater..." : Zur Bedeutung der Anrede Gottes als Vater in den Gebeten der Jesusüberlieferung |
A-09.-0251 |
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Ferrari, Franco |
Gott als Vater und Schöpfer : Zur Rezeption von Timaios 28C3-5 bei einigen Platonikern |
A-09.-0251 |
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Roig Lanzillotta, Lautaro |
The divine father in the Gospel of Truth (NHC 1,3) : God as causa efficiens and causa finalis |
A-09.-0251 |
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Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther |
"Vater Zeus" im griechischen Epos |
A-09.-0251 |
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Wyss, Beatrice |
"Vater Gott und seine Kinder und Frauen" |
A-09.-0251 |
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Ruiten, Jacques T. A. G. M. : van |
Divine sonship in the book of Jubilees |
A-09.-0251 |
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Popovic, Mladen |
God the father in Flavius Josephus |
A-09.-0251 |
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Albrecht, Felix |
Dominus Deus, Pater Omnipotens : Die göttlichen Verheißungen von 2Kor 6,16-18 |
A-09.-0251 |
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Kooten, George H. : van |
The divine father of the universe from the presocratics to celsus: the graeco-roman background to the "father of all" in Paul's letter to the Ephesians |
A-09.-0251 |
titolo analitico |
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Wagner, J. Ross |
Is God the father of Jews only, or also of gentiles? The peculiar shape of Paul's "universalism" |
A-09.-0251 |
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Heath, Jane |
God the father and other parents in the New Testament |
A-09.-0251 |
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