Bread of heaven : Customs and practices surrounding holy communion. Essays in the history of liturgy and culture |
C-16.-a-68 |
1995 |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Eucharistic meals east of Antioch |
Cons.08-0021-(64) |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Frühchristliche Eucharistiefeiern : die Entwirklung östlicher und westlicher Traditionsstränge |
A-17.-e-0278-(2) |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
How Eschatological Was Early Christian Liturgy? |
Cons.08-0021-(40) |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Hymns and prayers in the apocryphal Acts of Thomas |
C-04.-0176 |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Identität durch Gebet : Gebetstexte als Zeugen eines jahrhundertelangen Ringens um Kontinuität und Differenz zwischen Judentum und Christentum |
R-19.-0343 |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Initiation by circumcision and water baptism in early Judaism and early Christianity |
C-05.-b-0345 |
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L'évocation du mois de Nisan dans les Hymnes sur la Résurrection d'Éphrem de Nisibe. |
A-02.-28-(4) |
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La célébration de l'eucharistie selon les Actes de Thomas. |
C-05.-b-249 |
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Rouwhorst, G. A. M. |
Les hymnes pascales d'Ephrem de Nisibe : Analyse théologique et recherche sur l'évolution de la fête pascale chrétienne à Nisibe et à Edesse et dans quelques Eglises voisines au quatrième siècle |
T-04.-8/13-(1-2) |
1989 |
monografia |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Leviticus 12-15 in Early Christianity |
B-22.-0610 |
titolo analitico |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
Sacrifice in early christianity : the social dimensions of a metaphor |
R-21.-0368 |
titolo analitico |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
The Gospel of Judas and early christian Eucharist |
B-18.-0151-(74) |
titolo analitico |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
The Origins and Evolution of Early Christian Pentecost |
Cons.08-0021-(35) |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
The cult of the seven maccabean brothers and their mother in Christian tradition |
R-19.-0357 |
titolo analitico |
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Rouwhorst, Gerardus Antonius Maria |
The liturgical background of the crucifizion and resurrection scene of the syriac gospel codex of Rabbula : an example of the relatedness between liturgy and iconography |
C-23.-0050 |
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edited by Staf Hellemans & Gerard Rouwhorst |
The making of Christianities in history : a processing approach |
2020 |
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