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(Elementi 61 - 80 di 5281)
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HORSFIELD, Robert A. |
"The Pomander of Prayer": aspects of Late Medieval English Carthusian spirituality and its lay audience. |
G-04.-c-311 |
titolo analitico |
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Wafawanaka, Robert |
"The land is mine!" : biblical and postcolonial reflections on land with particular reference to the land issue in Zimbabwe |
B-34.-f-0291 |
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BLAKE, Robert |
"The origins of the Jerusalem Bishopri". |
H-07.-b-798 |
titolo analitico |
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Oppenheimer, J. Robert |
"The sciences and Mans community" (1954) |
W-12.-u-0008-(2) |
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Carbonneau, Robert |
"The velvet glove is wearing thinner and thinner with the mailed fist much in evidence" : american catholic missionaries witness liberation in West Hunan, 1949 to 1950 |
H-07.-d-0711 |
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GROSSETESTE, Robert - opere spurie o dubbie |
"Tractatus de grammatica". Eine fälschlich Robert Grosseteste zugeschriebene spekulative Grammatik. |
Sec.13.-34/3 |
1976 |
monografia |
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RICARD, Robert |
"Uno piensa el bayo ...". Hommage à l'éditeur de la "Tragicomedia de Don Duardos". |
Q-03.-40-(3) |
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WEBER, Robert |
"Vindica Sanguinem" (Ps 78,10), Una vieille faute des anciens psautiers latins. |
A-02.-32 |
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Gordon, Robert P. |
"We Do not See our Signs" (Psalm 74:9) : Signs, Prophets, Oracles, and the Asaphite Psalter |
B-22.-0044-(168) |
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ADOLPH, Robert |
"What pierces or strikes": prose style in "The fable of the bees". |
T-18.-131/1 |
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Priest, Robert J. |
"Who am i?" : theology and identity for children of the dragon |
G-10.-d-0009 |
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PFEIFFER, Robert H. |
"Wisdom and vision in the Old Testament". |
B-22.-308 |
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"al-Hulal al-Maushiya", Grenade et le Maroc Marinide. |
J-03.-v-64 |
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BACH, Robert |
"….Der Bogen zerbricht, Spiesse zerschlägt und Wagen mit Feuer verbrennt". |
B-22.-260 |
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ETIENNE, Robert |
'Aeternitas Augusti-Aeternitas Imperii'. Quelques aperçus. |
R-02.-105 |
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TURCAN, Robert |
'Bona Dea' et la "Mère ineffable" de Dionysos (Plut., Caes., 9). |
R-09.-c-64 |
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NEWMAN, Robert J. |
'Cotidie meditare'. Theory and practice of the 'meditatio' in Imperial stoicism. |
K-04.-78-(2/XXXVI-3) |
titolo analitico |
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GINSBERG, Robert |
'De Jure Belli ac Pacis`: the contribution of Hugo Grotius to the problem of war. |
Q-03.-148 |
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O'CONNELL, Robert J. |
'Eros' and 'philia' in Plato's moral cosmos. |
AA-02.-98 |
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AARSSE, Robert |
'Het vrije woord' (La libre parole), journal social démocrate de Semarang de 1914-1918. |
J-01.-286-(8/I) |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 61 - 80 di 5281)