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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
Adam, dust, and the Breath of Life according to the Targumim of Gen 2:7 |
B-08.-b-0252 |
titolo analitico |
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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
Balaams prophecies and interpreted by Philo and the Aramaic Targums of the Pentateuch |
B-22.-0044-(77) |
titolo analitico |
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Hayward, Paul Antony |
Before the coming of popular heresy : The rethoric in English historiography, c. 700-1154 |
M-07.-0071 |
titolo analitico |
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Hayward, Paul Antony |
Demystifying the role of sanctity in Western Christendom |
C-73.-0109 |
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Hayward, Nicola |
Early Christian funerary ritual |
C-04.-0172 |
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KENISTON, Hayward |
Francisco de los Cobos, secretary of the Emperor Charles V. |
K-10.-212 |
(1959) |
monografia |
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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
God as father in the Pentateuchal Targumim : the case of Abrahams Garden at Be'er Sheba |
B-34.-b-0065 |
titolo analitico |
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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
God as father in the Pentateuchal Targumin |
A-09.-0251 |
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HAYWARD, Fernand |
Histoire des Papes. |
G-01.-b-6 |
1953 |
monografia |
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Jacob's second visit to Bethel in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan. |
B-22.-455 |
titolo analitico |
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HAYWARD, Fernand |
Les conciles oecuméniques. |
G-02.-57 |
1961 |
monografia |
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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
Multum in Parvo: Ben Siras Portrayal of the Patriarch Joseph |
B-18.-0536 |
titolo analitico |
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New heaven and new earth prophecy and the Millennium : essays in honour of Anthony Gelston |
B-22.-0044-(77) |
1999 |
monografia |
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HAYWARD, Victor |
New men and women in a new society: report of a discussion on the China experience. |
D-21.-b-278 |
titolo analitico |
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HAYWARD, Fernand |
Pie IX et son temps. |
H-07.-a-35 |
1948 |
monografia |
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Hayward, Robert |
Priesthood, Temple(s), and Sacrifice |
Cons.10-03-0006-(3) |
titolo analitico |
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Samely, Alexander |
Profiling jewish literature in antiquity : an inventory, from second temple texts to the Talmuds |
R-18.-c-0629 |
2013 |
monografia |
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HAYWARD, Fernand |
Que faut- il penser de l'Inquisition ? |
H-02.-74 |
1958 |
monografia |
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Religion and the soviet state: a dilemma of power |
K-14.-i-0197 |
1969 |
monografia |
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Hayward, C. T. Robert |
Saint Jerome's "Hebrew questions on Genesis" : Translated with introduction and commentary |
T-05.-19/29 |
1995 |
monografia |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 32)