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(Elementi trovati: 11)
Visualizza documentiAutore | Titolo | Collocazione | Anno | Tipologia | Visualizza | ||
A responsive evaluation of the social history of the Matthean community in Roman Syria. |
titolo analitico |
1993 |
monografia |
titolo analitico |
Matthew : A commentary on his handbook for a mixed church under persecution |
1994 -2nd ed. |
monografia |
(1982) |
monografia |
Peter : false disciple and apostate according to Saint Matthew |
titolo analitico |
Soma in biblical theology. With empahsis on pauline anthropology. |
1976 |
monografia |
The form, meaning and background of the hymn quoted in Timothy 3:16. |
titolo analitico |
The moral Frustration of Paul before his conversion: sexual lust in Romans 7:7-25. |
titolo analitico |
The use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew's Gospel, with special reference to the Messianic Hope. |
1967 |
monografia |