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GRIFFITH, Sidney H. |
"Faith seeking understanding" in the thought of saint Ephraem the Syrian. |
AA-02.-129 |
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Griffith, Susan Blackburn |
"It doesn't say" : metatextual observations in greek patristic commentaries on Galatians |
Cons.08-0021-(100) |
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GRIFFITH, Sidney H. |
A ninth century summa theologiae arabica. |
AA-02.-114 |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Abraham Qîdūnāyâ, St. Ephraem the syrian and early monasticism in the syriac-speaking world |
C-51.-0044 |
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Griffith, Susan Blackburn |
Ambrose the Appropriator : borrowed texts in a new context in the Commentary on Luke |
B-34.-c-0149 |
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Griffith-Jones, Robin |
Apocalyptic Mystagogy : Rebirth-from-above in the Reception of John's Gospel |
B-13.-e-0574 |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Arabic Christianity in the monasteries of ninth-century Palestine |
G-04.-a-160 |
1992 |
monografia |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Arabic christian relations with islam : retrieving from history, expanding the canon |
G-05.-b-1143 |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Asceticism in the Church of Syria: the hermeneutics of Early Syrian Monasticism |
AA-05.-0204-(4) |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Beyond the Euphrates in Severan times : Mani, Bar Daysan, and the struggle for allegiance on the Syrian frontier |
T-03.-0022/0002 |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Christians under Muslim rule |
G-01.-a-0299-(3) |
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GRIFFITH, Sidney H. |
Dionysius bar Salibi on the Muslims. |
A-02.-28-(4) |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Excursus 1. : christian theological thought during the first 'Abbāsid century |
Cons.10-03-0006-(26) |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Giovanni di Damasco e la Chiesa in Siria all'epoca degli Omayyadi |
T-08.-0004/0010 |
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Heirs of the Apostles : studies on arabic christianity in honor of Sidney H. Griffith |
G-03.-0685 |
c2019 |
monografia |
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Griffith, Susan Blackburn |
Iatros and Medicus : The Physician in Gregory Nazianzen and Augustine |
Cons.08-0021-(41) |
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Griffith, Sidney H. |
Images of Ephraem: the syrian holy man and his church |
AA-05.-0204-(4) |
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THOMAS, William Henry Griffith |
La critica del Vecchio Testamento ed il cristianesimo del Nuovo Testamento. |
B-22.-214 |
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Cessario, Romanus |
Le thomisme et les thomistes |
AA-04.-0312 |
1999 |
monografia |
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Griffith, Susan Blackburn |
Medical Imagery in the "New" Sermons of Augustine |
Cons.08-0021-(43) |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 46)