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(Elementi trovati: 17)
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
"Man nahm die Leiche von dem Baum ab und warf sie vor das Tor der Stadt" (Jos 8,29) : kleine Probleme, grosse Textgeschichte! |
B-31.-b-0142 |
titolo analitico |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
"Sounding Trumpets with Loud Shouts" : emotional responses to Temple Building : Ezra and Esdras |
R-18.-c-0605 |
titolo analitico |
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Authoritative texts and reception history : aspects and approaches |
B-34.-a-0074 |
2017 |
monografia |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
Commands and executions : cases from Joshua 1-6 |
B-31.-b-0142 |
titolo analitico |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
Cosmic events in the first and last addition to the Greek text of the book of Esther |
B-22.-0851 |
titolo analitico |
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De Troyer, Kristin |
Esther/Das Buch Ester |
B-01.-c-0013-(1) |
titolo analitico |
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From quest to Q : Festschrift James M. Robinson |
B-13.-a-0499 |
2000 |
monografia |
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On hexaplaric and Lucianic readings and recensions |
B-31.-b-0144-(14) |
2021 |
monografia |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
Rewriting the sacred text |
B-31.-b-0123 |
2003 |
monografia |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
The Bible and the crocodile : an exercise in balancing translation technique and text-critical data |
B-34.-a-0074 |
titolo analitico |
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The Qumran legal texts between the Hebrew Bible and its interpretation |
B-19.-0384 |
2011 |
monografia |
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Kristin De Troyer, Barbara Schmitz, Joshua Alfaro and Maximilian Haberlein |
The early reception of the Torah |
2020 |
monografia |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
The end of the alpha text of Esther : translation and narrative technique in MT 8:1-17, 70. 8:1-17, and AT 7:14-41 |
B-31.-b-0074-(48) |
c2000 |
monografia |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
The fall of Jericho and the textual history of the Book of Joshua |
B-31.-b-0148 |
titolo analitico |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
The scribe of the marginal notes of Manuscript 344 (Ra 344; BM v) |
B-31.-b-0144-(12) |
titolo analitico |
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Kristin De Troyer |
The ultimate and the penultimate text of the Book of Joshua |
2018 |
monografia |
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Troyer, Kristin : de |
When did the Pentateuch come into existence? : an uncomfortable perspective |
B-31.-b-0143 |
titolo analitico |
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