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(Elementi 781 - 800 di 526536)
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DE PAEPE, Norbert |
"Amor" und "Verus amor" bei Andreas Capellanus. Versuch einer Lösung der "Reprobatio" Problems. |
G-03.-124-(2) |
titolo analitico |
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Brasington, Bruce Clark |
"Amplificatio sententie" : a study of the glosses to two manuscripts of Ivo of Chartres' Panormia |
E-05.-0162 |
titolo analitico |
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SHANNON, David T. |
"An antebellum sermon": a resource for an African American hermeneutic. |
B-32.-a-190 |
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"An den Wassern von Babylon..." Psalm 137 auf dem Hintergrund von Jeremia 51, der biblischen Edom-Traditionen und babylonischer Originalquellen. |
B-10.-c-210 |
1986 |
monografia |
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SCOTT, William Henry |
"An engineer's dream" - John Staunton and the mission of St. Mary the Virgin, Sagada. |
G-07.-a-76 |
titolo analitico |
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Williamson, H. G. M |
"An initial problem" : the setting and purpose of Isaiah 10:1-4 |
B-11.-b-0194 |
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Erdozain, Dominic |
"An inward music" : revolution and resurrection in Doctor Zhivago |
G-10.-d-0013 |
titolo analitico |
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SALAVILLE, Severin |
"Anadeiknunai", "apophainein". Note de lexicologie de textes eucharistiques. |
K-05.-45 |
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MYSZOR, Wincenty |
"Anapausis" w teologii chrzescijanskich gnostykow. |
AA-05.-115-(5) |
1984 |
monografia |
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Inguanotto, Paolo |
"Anche agli spiriti, che attendevano in prigione" (1Pt 3,19) |
G-03.-0505 |
titolo analitico |
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KANAEL, Baruch |
"Ancient Jewish coins and their historical importance". |
B-36.-141 |
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GAROFALO, Salvatore |
"Ancilla Domini". |
A-12.-240 |
titolo analitico |
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Schellenberg, Annette |
"And God separated the light from the darkness" (Gen 1:4) : on the role of borders in the priestly texts of the Pentateuch |
B-22.-0771 |
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VAWTER, Bruce |
"And He shall Come Again with Glory". |
B-15.-170-(1) |
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Albl, Martin C. |
"And Scripture cannot be broken" : The form and function of the early Christian "Testimonia" collections |
B-22.-45-(96) |
1999 |
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Bartal, Renana |
"And behold a door was opened in Heaven" : vision and visual strategies in three vernacular apocalypses from fourteenth-century England |
B-18.-0126-(25) |
titolo analitico |
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Geldof, M. R. |
"And describe the shapes of the dead" : making sense of the archaeology of armed violence |
M-20.-0029 |
titolo analitico |
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Rogozhina, Anna |
"And from his side came blood and milk" : the martyrdom of St Philotheus of Antioch in Coptic Egypt and beyond |
C-74.-0105 |
c2019 |
monografia |
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Gräbe, Petrus J. |
"And he made known to us the mystery of his will ..." : *reflections on the eschatology of the Letter to the Ephesians |
A-19.-0341 |
titolo analitico |
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Abegg, Martin G. |
"And he shall answer and say..." : a little backlighting |
B-22.-0044-(101) |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 781 - 800 di 526536)