(Elementi 221 - 230 di 230)
Autore | Titolo | Collocazione | Anno | Tipologia | Visualizza | ||
History and time: a critical examination of R. G. Collingwoord's doctrine. |
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Philosophy and theology in a discourse by st. Thomas Aquinas on the Incarnation and Christ the King. |
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titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
The authenticity of a homily attributed to st. Thomas Aquinas. |
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Thomas Aquinas and the problem of universals: a re-examination. |
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titolo analitico |
A problem for realism: our multiple concepts of individual things and the solution of Duns Scotus. |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
(Elementi 221 - 230 di 230)