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Vann, Theresa M.

Hospitaller record keeping and archival practices


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Costa, Paula Pinto

Christ, Santiago and Avis: an approach to the rules of the Portuguese Military Orders in the Late Middle Ages


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Mallia-Milanes, Victor

The price of hospitaller crusading warfare in the Eighteenth century: the Maltese consulate on Zante


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Dupuy, Mark

An Island called Rhodes and the Way to Jerusalem: change and continuity in hospitaller Exordia in the later Middle Ages


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Luttrell, Anthony

English contributions to the hospitaller castle at Bodrum in Turkey: 1407-1437


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Burgtorf, Jochen

Wind beneath the wings: subordinate headquarters officials in the hospital and the temple from the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Centuries


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Karassava-Tsilingiri, Fotini

Fifteenth-Century Hospitaller Architecture on Rhodes: Patrons and Master Masons


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Demel, Bernhard

Welfare and warfare in the Teutonic Order: a survey


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Forey, Alan

Literacy and learning in the Military Orders during the Twelfth and Thirtheenth Centuries


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Toll, Christopher

Arabic medicine and hospitals in the Middle Ages: a probable model for the military orders' care of the sick


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Schellakowsky, Johannes

The Bailiwick of Brandenburg and the prussian monarchy, 1701-1810


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Sarnowsky, Jürgen

The rights of the treasury: the financial administration of the Hospitallers on Fifteenth-Century Rhodes, 1421-1522


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Mitchell, Piers D.

The archaeological approach to the study of desease in the crusader states, as employed at Le Petit Gerin


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Garcia Guijarro Ramos, Luis

Exemption in the temple, the Hospital and the Teutonic Order: shortcomings of the institutional approach


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