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Rist, Josef

Kirchenpolitik und/oder Bestechung : die *Geschenke des Kyrill von Alexandrien an den kaiserlichen Hof


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Bucur, Bogdan Gabriel

Exegesis and intertextuality in Anastasius the Sinaite's homily On the Transfiguration


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Steineger, Joseph

John of Damascus on the simplicity of God


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Crawford, Matthew R.

Assessing the authenticity of the greek fragments on Psalm 22 (70.) attributed to Cyril of Alexandria


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Llewellyn Ihssen, Brenda

Money in the meadow : *conversion and coin in John Moschos' Pratum spirituale


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Milner, Hannah

Cyril of Alexandria's treatment of sources in his Commentary on the twelve prophets


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Börjesson, Johannes

Maximus the Confessor's knowledge of Augustine : an exploration of evidence derived from the Acta of the Lateran Council of 649


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Bekos, John

Nicholas Cabasilas' political theology in an epoch of economic crisis : a reading of a 14th-century political discourse


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Crawford, Cyril K.

"Receptive potency" (dektikē dynamis) in Ambigua ad Iohannem 20 of St Maximus the Confessor


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Ritacco, Graciela L.

El bien, el sol y el rayo de luz según Dionisio del Areópago


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Misiarczyk, Leszek

The relationship between nous, pneuma and logistikon in Evagrius Ponticus' Anthropology


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Zaganas, Dimitrios

Against Origen and/or origenists? : *Cyril of Alexandria's rejection of John the Baptist's angelic nature in his Commentary on John 1:6


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Lankina, Anna

Reclaiming the memory of the christian past : Philostorgius' missionary heroes


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Newheiser, David

Eschatology and the Areopagite : interpreting the dionysian hierarchies in terms of time


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Bevan, George A.

Interpolations in the syriac translation of Nestorius' Liber Heraclidis


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Agachi, Adrian

A critical analysis of the theological conflict between St Symeon the New Theologian and Stephen of Nicomedia


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Arentzen, Thomas

"Your virginity shines" : The *attraction of the Virgin in the Annunciation Hymn by Romanos the Melodist


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Ables, Scott

Did John of Damascus modify his sources in the Expositio fidei?


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Bakker, Michael

Willing in St Maximos' mystagogical habitat : bringing habits in line with One's logos


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Williams, Rowan

Nature, passion and desire : *Maximus' ontology of excess


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