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Dively Lauro, Elizabeth A.

Reconsidering Origen's two higher of senses of scriptural meaning: identifying the psychic and pneumatic senses


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Hesse, Otmar

Das altkirchliche Monchtum und die kaiserliche Politik am Beispiel der Apophthegmen und der Viten des Symeon Stylites und des Daniel Stylites


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DePalma Digeser, Elizabeth

Porphyr, Lactantius and the Paths to God


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Greschat, Katharina

Woher hast du den Beweis fur deine Lehre? : Der altkirchliche Lehrer Rhodon und seine Auseinandersetzung mit den romischen Marcioniten


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Holder, Arthur G.

The Patristic sources of Bede's Commentary on the Song of Songs


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Haar Romeny, R. B. : ter

Biblical studies in the Church of the East: the case of Catholicos Timothy 1.


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Cerrato, J. A.

Martha and Mary in the Commentaries of Hyppolitus


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O'Brien, D. P.

A comparison between Early Jewish and Early Christian interpretations of the Jubilee Year


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Thornton, Timothy C. G.

Jews in early christian eschatological scenarios


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Wischmeyer, Wolfgang

A christian? What's that? : On the difficulty of managing Christian diversity in late antiquity


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Shoemaker, Stephen J.

Gender at the Virgin's funeral: men and women as witnesses to the dormition


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Dulaey, Martine

Des roues dans les roues: Ez 1, 15-16 chez les Peres


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Buchinger, Harald

Ex. 12,11.27.48 70 bei Origenes Textkritik und Antijudaismus


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Drake, Harold Allen

Constantinian echoes in Themistius


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Uthemann, Karl-Heinz

Zur Rezeption des Tomus Leonis in und nach Chalkedon : Wider den dogmenhistorischen Begriff strenger Chalkedonismus


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Hill, Robert C.

Theodoret wrestling with Romans


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Fiedrowicz, Michael

Die apologetischen Schriften als Apologia pro vita sua: Zur autobiographischen Komponente einer literarischen Gattung


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Hill, Robert C.

Two Antiochenes on the Psalms


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Gregg, Robert C.

Joseph with Potiphar's wife: early christian commentary seen against the backdrop of jewish and muslim interpretation


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Greatrex, Geoffrey

Justin 1. and the Arians


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