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Wilhite, Shawn J.

"Was it not the only begotten that was speaking long ago : Cyril of Alexandria's Christological Exegesis in his Commentary on Hebrews (Heb. 1:1-2)


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Hoogerwerf, Cornelis

Theodore of Mopsuestia's Interpretation of the Birth Announcements of Ishmael and Isaac (Genesis 16 and 18) and its Reception in East-Syriac and Greek Sources


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Siskos, Georgios

Fundamental differences on Christological Expressions of St Cyril of Alexandria and Severus of Antioch


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Barna, Alexandru A.

The Gnoseological Function of symvolon in Dionysius the Areopagite


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Singh Mesconi, Carlos Marcelo

Diadochus of Photike and the Discernment of Spirits


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Biriukov, Dmitry

The Topic of the Divine Energies as Accidents in the Palamite Doctrine : its meaning, historical context, including that of the teaching about the Nature of Theological Language


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Blowers, Paul M.

The Vanity of Human life in the Poetry of George of Pisidia : Echoes of Patristic Lament


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Streltsov, Alexey

The Impassible Passion : Cyril's untive Christology at the crossroads between Christian tradition and Plotinus' Psychology


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