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Lexham geographic commentary on the Gospels




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Taylor, Aubrey L.

Ministry in the Wilderness : Matt 3:1-12, Luke 3:1-20


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Thomassen, Emily J.

Shared Memories of Resurrection on the Hill of Moreh : Luke 7:11-17


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Phillips, Elaine A.

The Domestic Architecture of Capernaum and Beyond : a window into first century life : Matt 8-9 with Synoptic Parallels (Matt 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26; Matt 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10; Matt 9:10-13; Luke 5:29; Mark 9:33-37)


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Beck, John A.

A lesson on Prayer from the landscape : Matt 21:18-22


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Foreman, Benjamin A.

From the Upper Room to the Judgment Seat : retracing the steps of Jesus : Matt 26:47-27:1, 11-26; Mark 14:43-15:15; Luke 22:47-23:25; John 18:2-19:16


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Phillips, Perry G.

Natural amphitheaters along the Sea of Galilee : Matt 14:13-21; 15:29-39; 16:5-12; Mark 6:30-44; 8:1-10; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-14


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Phillips, Perry G.

At the Well of Sychar : John 4:1-42


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Taylor, Aubrey L.

The historical basis of the Parable of the Pounds : Luke 19:11-27


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McKinny, Chris

The words and teachings of Jesus in the context of Judea : Luke 10:29-37; 19:11-27; 24:13-35; John 2:18-22; 3:22-4:3; 5:2-17; 7:37-38; 9:1-12; 10:22-39


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Phillips, Elaine A.

Healing by Living Water at the Pool of Siloam : John 9:1-41


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Franz, Gordon

Gehenna : Jerusalem's Garbage Dump or Place of Eschatological Judgment? : Mark 9:42-50


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Vernon, Alexander H.

The words and teachings of Jesus in the context of Galilee : Matt 5:13-16; 6:25-33; 7:13; 7:24-27; 13:3-9; 13:24-30; Luke 15:11-15


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Franz, Gordon

Grain, Wine, and Oil : the essentials of life : Matt 6:11, 25-33


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Beck, John A.

The Geography of Forgiveness : Matt 14:13-21; 15:29-39; 16:5-12


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Foreman, Benjamin A.

Jesus Heals a Blind Man Near Bethsaida : Mark 8.22-26


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Vernon, Alexander H.

The "Good Shepherd" and other metaphors of pastoralism : Matt 18:10-14; 25:31-46; Luke 15:1-7; John 10:1-15; Acts 8:26-35


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Phillips, Perry G.

The Post-Resurrection appearances of Christ : Luke 24


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Foreman, Benjamin A.

Locating the Baptism of Jesus : John 1:19-2:1


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Phillips, Elaine A.

On the Brow of the Hill at Nazareth : Luke 4:16-20


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