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Butler, Edward P.

Opening the way of writing : Semiotic metaphysics in the Book of Thoth


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Scopello, Madeleine

Practicing "repentance" on the path to gnosis in Exegesis on the soul


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Lesses, Rebecca Macy

Image and Word : Performative ritual and material culture in the aramaic incantation bowls


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Williams, Michael Allen

Did Plotinus "friends" still go to Church? : Communal rituals and ascent apocalypses


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Wolfson, Elliot Reuben

Becoming invisible : Rending the veil and the hermeneutic of secrecy in the Gospel of Philip


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Beck, Roger

Ecstatic religion in the Roman cult of Mithras


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DeConick, April D.

The road for the soul is through the planets : The mysteries of the Ophians mapped


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