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(Elementi 21 - 40 di 144)
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Hollingshead, James R. |
The household of Caesar and the body of Christ : a political interpretation of the letters from Paul |
B-15.-1278 |
c1998 |
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Roetzel, Calvin J. |
Paul : the man and the myth |
B-15.-1292 |
c1998 |
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Smiles, Vincent M. |
The Gospel and the law in Galatia : Paul's response to Jewish-Christian separatism and the threat of Galatian apostasy |
B-15.-1258 |
c1998 |
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Gebauer, Roland |
Paulus als Seelsorger : ein exegetischer Beitrag zur praktischen Theologie |
B-15.-1269 |
c1997 |
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Gräbe, Petrus J. |
The power of God in Paulʼs letters |
B-15.-1265 |
\2000! |
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Joubert, Stephan |
Paul as benefactor : reciprocity, strategy and theological reflection in Paulʼs collection |
B-15.-1290 |
\2000! |
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Baldanza, Giuseppe |
La metafora sponsale in s. Paolo e nella tradizione liturgica siriaca : studi |
B-15.-1257 |
[2001] |
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Alkier, Stefan |
Wunder und Wirklichkeit in den Briefen des Apostels Paulus : ein Beitrag zu einem Wunderverständnis jenseits von Entmythologisierung und Rehistorisierung |
B-15.-1288 |
[2001! |
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Bertinelli, Carlo |
Fede, amore, speranza : note alla prima epistola di Paolo ai Tessalonicesi |
B-15.-1240 |
[2000?] |
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Witulski, Thomas |
Die Adressaten des Galaterbriefes : untersuchungen zur Gemeinde von Antiochia ad Pisidiam |
B-15.-1260 |
[2000! |
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Christologie in der Paulus-Schule : zur Rezeptionsgeschichte des paulinischen Evangeliums |
B-15.-1261 |
[2000! |
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Strecker, Christian |
Die liminale Theologie des Paulus : Zugänge zur paulinischen Theologie aus kulturanthropologischer Perspektive |
B-15.-1232 |
[1999! |
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LOTZ, Erich |
Der Brief an der Galater. Meditationen. |
B-15.-122 |
[1957] |
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Vanhoye, Albert |
Lettera ai Galati : nuova versione |
B-15.-1226bis |
2008 |
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Carter, Thomas L. |
Paul and the Power of Sin : redefining 'Beyond the Pale' |
B-15.-1299 |
2002 |
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Oakes, Peter |
Philippians : from people to letter |
B-15.-1280 |
2001 |
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Cummins, Stephen Anthony |
Paul and the Crucified Christ in Antioch : Maccabean Martyrdom and Galatians 1 and 2 |
B-15.-1294 |
2001 |
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Muddiman, John |
A commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians |
B-15.-1283 |
2001 |
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Williams, H. H. Drake |
The wisdom of the wise : the *presence and function of scripture within 1 Cor. 1:18-3:23 |
B-15.-1289 |
2001 |
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Baumert, Norbert |
Studien zu den Paulusbriefen |
B-15.-1268 |
2001 |
monografia |
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(Elementi 21 - 40 di 144)