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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 72)
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Link, Andrea |
»Was redest du mit ihr?« : Eine Studie zur Exegese-, Redaktions- und Theologiegeschichte von Joh 4,1-42 |
B-13.-e-349 |
1992 |
monografia |
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John and the synoptics |
B-13.-e-346 |
1992 |
monografia |
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Cassidy, Richard J. |
John's Gospel in new perspective : Christology and the realities of Roman power |
B-13.-e-347 |
1992 |
monografia |
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Smith, Dwight Moody |
John among the Gospels : The relationship in twentieth-century research |
B-13.-e-348 |
1992 |
monografia |
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Stibbe, Mark W. G. |
John as storyteller : Narrative criticism and the fourth gospel |
B-13.-e-342 |
1992 |
monografia |
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Breck, John |
The spirit of truth : The Holy Spirit in Johannine tradition |
B-13.-e-343 |
1991- |
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Hanson, Anthony Tyrrell |
The prophetic Gospel : A study of John and the Old Testament |
B-13.-e-340 |
1991 |
monografia |
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Painter, John |
The quest for the Messiah : Studies of the history, literature and theology of the Johannine community |
B-13.-e-341 |
1991 |
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Manns, Frédéric, o.f.m. |
L'Evangile de Jean à la lumière du Judaïsme |
B-13.-e-345 |
1991 |
monografia |
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Origine et postérité de l'évangile de Jean : XIII Congrès de l'ACFEB, Toulouse (1989) |
B-13.-e-344 |
1990 |
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BOISMARD, Marie-Emile |
Du Baptême à Cana (Jean I, 19-2, 11) |
B-13.-e-34 |
1956 |
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MERKEL, Helmut |
Frühchristliche Autoren über Johannes und die Synoptiker. |
B-13.-e-346 |
titolo analitico |
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Visages de la communauté johannique. |
B-13.-e-344 |
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BUSSE, Ulrich |
Johannes und Lukas: Die Lazarusperikope Frucht eines Kommunikationsprozesses. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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CAZEAUX, Jacques |
Concept ou mémoire? La rhétorique de Jean chap. 8, v. 12-69. |
B-13.-e-344 |
titolo analitico |
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BOISMARD, Marie-Emile |
Approche du mystère trinitaire par le biais du IV évangile. |
B-13.-e-344 |
titolo analitico |
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BOISMARD, Marie-Emile |
Jean 4, 46-54 et les parallèles synoptiques. |
B-13.-e-346 |
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MNHMONEYEIN. Das "sich-Erinnern" in der urchristlichen Überlieferung. Die Bethanienepisode Mk 14,3-9 / Jn 12,1) als Beispiel |
B-13.-e-346 |
titolo analitico |
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Le quatrème èvangile et les prédictions de la passion dans les èvangiles synoptiques. |
B-13.-e-346 |
titolo analitico |
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KONINGS, Johan |
The dialogue of Jesus, Philip and Andrew in John 6,5-9. |
B-13.-e-346 |
titolo analitico |
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(Elementi 1 - 20 di 72)