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Reumann, John

Resurrection in Philippi and Paul's Letter(s) to the Philippians


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Thrall, Margareth E.

Paul's understanding of continuity between the present life and the life of the Resurrection


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Menken, Maarten J. J.

Interpretation of the Old Testament and the Resurrection of Jesus in John's Gospel


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Verheyden, Joseph

Silent witnesses : Mary Magdalene and the women at the tomb in the Gospel of Peter


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Lohse, Eduard

Der Wandel der Christen im Zeichen der Auferstehung : zur Bedründung christlicher Ethik im Römerbrief


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Matera, Frank J.

Apostolic suffering and Resurrection faith : distinguishing between appearance and reality (2 Cor 4,7-5,10)


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Vos, Johan S.

Die Schattenseite der Auferstehung im Evangelium des Paulus


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Kilgallen, John J.

What the Apostles proclaimed at Acts 4,2


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