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STIEBER, Joachim W.

Christian unity from the perspective of the Council Fathers at Basel and that of Eugenius IV.


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Stieber, Joachim W.

Felix 5. als Papst des Konzils von Basel und die langfristige Bedeutung des Kirchenfriedens von 1449


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STIEBER, Joachim W.

Pope Eugenius IV and the Council of Basel: their conflict over supreme authority and power in the church and the response of the secular and ecclesiastical authorities in the Empire.

Micro 638



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STIEBER, Joachim W.

Pope Eugenius IV the Council of Basel and the secular and ecclesiastical authorities in the Empire. The conflict over supreme authority and power in the Church.




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STIEBER, Joachim W.

The Hercules of the Eugenians at the Crossroads: Nicholas of Cusa's decision for the Pope and against the Council in 1436/1437. Theological, political, and social aspects.


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