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PATTE, Daniel |
"Love yours enemies - woe to you scribes and pharisees": the need for a semiotic approach in New testament studies. |
B-32.-b-163 |
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PATTE, Daniel |
"Structural analysis of the parable of the prodigal son: toward a method". |
B-34.-f-84 |
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Patte, Daniel |
A post-holocaust biblical critic responds |
B-15.-1264 |
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PATTE, Daniel |
Carré sémiotique et syntaxe narrative. Exégèse structurale de Marc, ch. 5. |
B-13.-c-119 |
1981 |
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PATTE, Daniel |
Charting the way of the Helmsman on the high seas: structuralism and biblical studies. |
B-27.-279 |
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PATTE, Daniel |
Early Jewlsh hermeneutic in Palestine. |
B-34.-b-16 |
(1975) |
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Greek patristic and eastern orthodox interpretations of Romans |
B-26.-b-0109 |
2013 |
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PATTE, Daniel |
Paul's faith and the power of the Gospel. A structural introduction to the Pauline letters. |
B-15.-740 |
(1983) |
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PATTE, Aline - PATTE, Daniel |
Pour une exégese structurale. |
B-32.-b-96 |
1978 |
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PATTE, Daniel - PATTE, Aline |
Pour une exégèse structurale. |
B-32.-b-96 |
1978 |
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Reading Israel in Romans : legitimacy and plausibility of divergent interpretations |
B-15.-1264 |
c2000 |
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Grenholm, Cristina |
Receptions, critical interpretations, and scriptural criticism |
B-15.-1264 |
titolo analitico |
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SEMIOLOGY AND PARABLES. Exploration of the possibilities offered by structuralism for exegesis. |
B-34.-f-84 |
1976 |
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The Cambridge dictionary of Christianity |
Cons.05-16-0033 |
2010 |
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PATTE, Daniel |
The Gospel according to Matthew. |
B-13.-b-143 |
1987 |
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Patte, Daniel |
The religious dimensions of biblical exegesis : Greimas's structural semiotics and biblical exegesis |
B-34.-f-170 |
1990 |
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