MÜLLER, Richard |
Adventisten - Sabbat - Reformation. Geht das Ruhetagsverständnis der Adventisten bis zur Zeit der Reformation Zurück? Eine theologiegeschichtliche Untersuchung. |
A-24.-66 |
1979 |
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Biblical interpretation in the era of the Reformation : Essays presented to David C. Steinmetz in honor of his sixtieth birthday |
B-34.-e-36 |
1996 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
Calvin and the reformed tradition : on the work of Christ and the order of salvation |
T-16.-0009/0180 |
2012 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
Christ and the decree : Christology and predestination in reformed theology from Calvin to Perkins |
AA-10.-83 |
1986 |
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Church and school in early modern Protestantism : studies in honor of Richard A. Muller on the maturation of a theological tradition |
H-05.-b-0397 |
2013 |
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Bradley, James E. |
Church history : An introduction to research, reference works, and methods |
J-06.-254 |
1995 |
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Church, Word, and Spirit : Historical and theological essays in honor of Geoffrey W. Bromiley |
G-03.-390 |
1987 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
Divine will and human choice : freedom, contingency, and necessity in early modern Reformed thought |
M-28.-0310 |
2017 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
Facing Poland : Calvin's polish correspondence and the geography of reformation Europe |
G-03.-0624 |
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VÖLKL, Richard - MÜLLER, Alois |
La funzione dei laici nella comunità parrocchiale. |
F-02.-67-(7) |
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MÜLLER, Alois - VÖLKL, Richard |
La funzione dei laici nella comunità parrocchiale. |
F-02.-67-(7) |
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Les tendances principales de la psychologie allemande d'aujourd'hui. |
N-10-(1) |
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Rationalisme et irrationalisme. |
N-10-(1) |
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MULLER, Richard A. |
The hermeneutic of promise and fulfillment in Calvin's exegesis of the Old Testament prophecies of the Kingdom. |
B-34.-e-28 |
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Muller, Richard A. |
The study of theology : From biblical interpretation to contemporary formulation |
A-08.-741 |
1991 |
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Muller, Richard A |
The study of theology : from biblical interpretation to contemporary formulation |
A-08.-0741 |
1991 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
The unaccommodated Calvin : studies in the foundation of a theological tradition |
T-16.-0009/0144bis |
2000 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
The unaccommodated Calvin : studies in the foundation of a theological tradition |
T-16.-0009/0144 |
2000 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
Theodore Beza (1519-1605) |
AA-09.-0032 |
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Muller, Richard Alfred |
Was it really viral? : natural theology in the early modern reformed tradition |
G-03.-0568 |
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