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KUNTZ, Paul G.

The metaphisics of hierarchical order: the philosophic center of 'Small is beautiful'.


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KUNTZ, Paul G.

The metaphisics of hierarchical order: the philosophic center of 'Small is beautiful'.


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KUNTZ, Paul G.

The metaphisics of hierarchical order: the philosophic center of 'Small is beautiful'.


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KUNTZ, Paul G.

The metaphisics of hierarchical order: the philosophic center of 'Small is beautiful'.


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Kuntz, Paul G.

The moral code of a radical reformer : Paracelsus and the Ten Commandments


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KUNTZ, Paul G. - KUNTZ, Marion L.

The symbol of the tree interpreted in the context of other symbols of the great chain of being and Jacob's Ladder.


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KUNTZ, Marion Leathers - KUNTZ, Paul G.

the symbol of the tree interpreted in the context of other symbols of the great chain of being and Jacob's Ladder.


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(Elementi 41 - 47 di 47)