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Humphrey, Edith M.

Ambivalent Apocalypse : apocalyptic rhetorie and intertextuality in 2 corinthians


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Humphrey, Edith M.

Becoming the righteousness of God : the potency of the New Creation in the world (2 Cor 5:16-21)


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Humphrey, Edith M.

Glimpsing the glory : Pauls gospel, righteousness and the beautiful feet of N. T. Wright


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Humphrey, Edith M.

Sacrifice and sacrament : sacramental implications of the death of Christ


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Humphrey, Edith M.

To rejoice or not to rejoice? Rhethoric and the fall of Satan in Luke 10:17-24 and Revelation 12:1-17


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Humphrey, Edith M.

Will the reader understand? : Apocalypse as veil or vision in recent historical-Jesus research


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