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(Elementi trovati: 9)
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"The Old Faith". Comments on one of Heinrich Bullinger's most distinctive treatises. |
titolo analitico |
A commentary on the Confession of 1967 and an introduction to "The Book of Confessions". |
(1968) |
monografia |
A commentary on the Confession of 1967 and an introduction to "The book of confessions" |
1968 |
monografia |
titolo analitico |
Das Wort Gottes als Schrift und Predigt im Zweiten Helvetischen Bekenntnis. |
titolo analitico |
Der theologische Aufbau des Zweiten Helvetischen Bekenntnisses. |
titolo analitico |
Heinrich Bullinger as theologian : thematic, comprehensive, and schematic |
titolo analitico |
titolo analitico |
The structure of Calvin's thought as influenced by the Two-fold Knowledge of God |
titolo analitico |