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Donahue, Charles

Bassianus, that is to say, Bazianus? : Johannes Bassianus on Marriage


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Donahue, Charles

Gerard Pucelle as a Canon lawyer : life and the Battle Abbey Case


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Donahue, Charles

Johannes Faventinus on Marriage : (With an Appendix Revisiting the Question of the Dating of Alexander 3.s Marriage Decretals)


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Donahue, Charles

Law, marriage, and society in the later middle ages : a look at the English and "Franco-Belgian" Regions


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DONAHUE, Charles

Lyndwood' s gloss propriarum uxorum: marital property and the ius comune in fifteenth century England


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DONAHUE, Charles

Medieval Celtic literature.


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Donahue, Charles

The emergence of the crime-tort distinction in England


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DONAHUE, Charles

The policy of Alexander the third's consent theory of marriage.


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Donahue, Charles

The role of the humanists and the second scholastic in the development of european marriage law from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries


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Donahue, Charles

Thoughts on diocesan statutes : England and France, 1200-1500


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