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O'Regan, Cyril

Eckhart reception in the 19th century


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Wegener, Lydia

Eckhart and the world of womens spirituality in the context of the "Free Spirit" and Marguerite Porete


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Enders, Markus

Meister Eckharts understanding of God


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Dietrich, Paul

Introduction to part two: Meister Eckhart as preacher and theologian


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Beccarisi, Alessandra

Eckharts Latin works


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Senner, Walter

Meister Eckharts life, training, carreer and trial


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Sturlese, Loris

Eckhart as preacher, administrator and master of the sentences, from Erfurt to Paris and back: 1294-1313 : the origins of the Opus Tripartitum


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