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Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava

Are there allegories in Sūfī Qur'ān interptretation?


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Boyle, John F

The theological character of the scholastic "Division of the text" with particular reference to the Commentaries of Saint Thomas Aquinas


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Signer, Michael Alan

Restoring the narrative : Jewish and Christian exegesis in the twelfth century


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McAuliffe, Jane Dammen

The genre boundaries of Qur'ānic commentary


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Firey, Abigail

The letter of the law : Carolingian exegetes and the Old Testament


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Ginther, James R.

Laudat sensum et significationem : Robert Grosseteste on the four senses of Scripture


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Benin, Stephen D.

The search for truth in Sacred Scripture : Jews, Christians, and the authority to interpret


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Goering, Joseph W.

An introduction to Medieval Christian biblical interpretation


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(Elementi 21 - 28 di 28)