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From a sacred source : Genizah studies in honour of Stefan C. Reif




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Khan, Geoffrey

Vocalised Judaeo-Arabic manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah


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Niessen, Friedrich

Early karaite grammatical thought as reflected in a commentary on Hosea


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Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip

Legal writing in medieval Al Cairo : "copy" or "likeness" in jewish documentary formulae


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Olszowy-Schlanger, Judith

An early palimpsest scroll of the book of kings from the Cairo Genizah


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David, Abraham

The role of Egyptian jews in sixteenth-century international trade with Europe : a chapter in social-economic integration in the middle east


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Shaked, Shaul

Persian-arabic bilingualism in the Cairo Genizah documents


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Shivtiel, Avihai

Orders of payment, orders of supply, instructions for payment, and statements of credit in the Genizah and other collections at Cambridge University


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Wagner, Esther-Miriam

The weakening of the bourgeoisie : social changes mirrored in the language of the Genizah letters


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Frenkel, Miriam

Genizah documents as literary products


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Yahalom, Joseph

Eretz-Israel Mahzorim in the Genizah : from palaeography to liturgy


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Jefferson, Rebecca J. W.

The Cairo Genizah unearthed : the excavations conducted by the count D'Hulst on behalf of the Bodleian library and their significance for Genizah history


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Friedman, Mordechai Akiva

Judah Ha-Levi on writing the Kuzari : responding to a heretic


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Bohak, Gideon

Towards a catalogue of the magical, astrological, divinatory, and alchemical fragments from the Cambridge Genizah collections


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Rand, Michael

Compositional technique in qillirian piyyutim for rain and dew


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Ben-Shammai, Haggai

Is "The Cairo Genizah" a proper name or a generic noun? : on the relationship between the Genizot of the Ben Ezra and the Dār Simha Synagogues


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Cohen, Mark R.

The law of power of attorney in Maimonides' code of jewish law


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Reif, Stefan C.

"Consigned to the Genizah - but for only a third of a century"


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Ehrlich, Uri

The contribution of Genizah texts to the study of Siddur Rabbi Solomon Ben Nathan


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Amar, Zohar

The paper and textile industry in the land of Israel and its raw materials in light of an analysis of the Cairo Genizah documents


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