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Pullan, Wendy

Ascent and descent in the constantinian church of the nativity in Bethlehem


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Beck, Roger

Apuleius the novelist, Apuleius the ostian householder and the mithraeum of the seven spheres : further explorations of an hypothesis of Filippo Coarelli


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Longenecker, Richard N.

Good luck on your resurrection : Beth She Arim and Paul on the resurrection of the dead


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Gooch, Paul W.

Irony, text and artifact : cross and superscription in the passion narratives


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Hurtado, Larry W.

The earliest evidence of an emerging christian material and visual culture : the codex, the Nomina Sacra and the Staurogram


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Moxnes, Halvor

Placing Jesus of Nazareth : toward a theory of place in the study of the historical Jesus


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Broadhurst, Laurence

The professors house


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Netzer, Ehud

Tyros, the Floating Palace


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Gaston, Lloyd

Reading the text and digging the past: the first audience of romans


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Mason, Steve

What Josephus says about the essenes in his Judean War


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Garrison, Roman

Phoebe, the servant-benefactor and gospel traditions


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