(Elementi trovati: 15)
Visualizza documentiAutore | Titolo | Collocazione | Anno | Tipologia | Visualizza | ||
2010 |
monografia |
Patriotism, painting and the portuguese empire during the revolutionary and napoleonic wars |
titolo analitico |
The french conspiracy of 1795 : paranoia and opportunism on the eve of independence in Buenos Aires |
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Jacques-Pierre Brissot and the fate of atlantic antislavery during the age of revolutionary wars |
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The making of warriors : the militarization of the Rio de la Plata, 1806-07 |
titolo analitico |
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War, empire and the "other" : iranian-european contacts in the "Napoleonic" era |
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The Russian empire : military encounters and national identity |
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The french revolutionary wars in the spanish-american imagination, 1789-1830 |
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titolo analitico |