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The Crusades and their sources : essays presented to Bernard Hamilton




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Edbury, Peter W.

The Livre des Assises by John of Jaffa: the development and transmission of the text


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Riley-Smith, Jonathan

Raymond 4. of St Gilles, Achard of Arles and the conquest of Lebanon


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Kedar, Benjamin Z.

The Tractatus de locis et statu sancte terre ierosolimitane


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Irwin, Robert

Usamah ibn Munqidh: an arab-syrian gentleman at the time of the Crusades reconsidered


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Morris, Colin

Picturing the crusades: the uses of visual propaganda, c. 1095-1250


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Folda, Jaroslav

The south transept facade of the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem: an aspect of rebuilding Zion


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Mayer, Hans Eberhard

Ehe und Besitz im Jerusalem der Kreuzfahrer


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Dédéyan, Gérard

Les colophons de manuscrits armeniens comme sources pour l'histoire des Croisades


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Murray, Alan V.

Mighty against the enemies of Christ: the relic of the true cross in the armies of the kingdom of Jerusalem


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Housley, Norman

A necessary evil : Erasmus, the crusade, and war against the turks


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Richard, Jean

Les eveques de Chypre et la Chambre apostolique: un arret de compte de 1369


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Luttrell, Anthony

The Hospitallers early written records


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Edgington, Susan B.

Albert of Aachen and the Chansons de Geste


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France, John

The anonymous Gesta Francorum and the Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem of Raymond of Aguilers and the Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere of Peter Tudebode : an analysis of the textual relationship between Primary sources for the First Crus...


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Barber, Malcolm

Frontier warfare in the latin kingdom of Jerusalem: the campaign of Jacobs Ford, 1178-79


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