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Approaching rituals in ancient cultures : questioni di rito: rituali come fonte di conoscenza delle religioni e delle concezioni del mondo nelle culture antiche : proceedings of the Conference, November 28-30 2011, Roma




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Verderame, Lorenzo

Means of substitution : the use of figurines, animals, and human beings as substitutes in Assyrian rituals


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Ambos, Claus

Mesopotamische Baurituale aus dem 1. Jahrtausend V. Chr. Nachträge und Verbesserungen


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Rivaroli, Marta

The ritualization of war: the phases of bellum and their sacral implications


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Michel, Patrick Maxime

Ritual in Emar


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Couto-Ferreira, M. Erica

The river, the oven, the garden: the female body and fertility in a late babylonian ritual text


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Hays, Harold M.

The end of rites of passage and a start with ritual syntax in Ancient Egypt


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Rendu Loisel, Anne-Caroline

Noise, light and smoke: the sensory dimension in Akkadian rituals : a general overview


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Ambos, Claus

Rites of passage in ancient Mesopotamia: changing status by moving through space: Bīt Rimki and the ritual of the substitute king


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Garcia-Ventura, Agnès

Figurines & rituals : discussing embodiment theories and gender studies


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Modena, Massino

Lost in description : the missing rituals of the Queen at the court of Ancient Israel


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Ciampini, Emanuele M.

La dinamica del rituale di Hathor nel tempio della dea a File


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Contardi, Federico

The reception of royal and divine rituals by individuals in Egypt of the first millennium


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Pries, Andreas H.

On the use of a grammar of rituals : reflections from an egyptologists point of view


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Giammellaro, Pietro

The beggar on the threshold : spaces, ritual crossings and social identity in the Homeric epic


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Torri, Giulia

Hittite building rituals : interaction between their ideological function and find spots


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Nadali, Davide

When ritual meets art : rituals in the visual arts versus the visual arts in rituals: the case of Ancient Mesopotamia


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