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3.: Between artists and adventurers




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Bisaro, Xavier

D'un concile à l'autre : aux sources des prescriptions musicales du Concile de Trente


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Vu Thanh, Hélène

Un évêque tridentin au Japon? Le rôle de Luís Cerqueira dans l'application des réformes du Concile de Trente au sein de la mission japonaise (1549-1614)


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Vanhauwaert, Soetkin

The sculpted Saint Johns head in the low countries 1370-1800 : the influence of the Council of Trent on religious cult imagery


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Ditchfield, Simon

De-centering Trent : how "tridentine" was the making of the first world religion?


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de_Mol, Ellénita

Le culte de la Vierge après le Concile de Trente, perçu à travers trois triptyques flamands de la fin du 16


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Gillion, Marianne C.E.

Cantante domino canticum novum? a re-examination of "post-tridentine" chant revision in italian printed graduals


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Ward, Haruko Nawata

Trent and tales of all these saints travelling east : Saint Catherine of Alexandria in the jesuit Japan mission


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Fabre, Pierre Antoine

Une théorie en mouvement : Lainez et les "images" entre Paris et Trente (1562-1563)


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Melion, Walter S.

Quod etiam Ecclesia curat : responses to the tridentine decrees in Jerónimo Nadals adnotationes et mediationes in Evangelia of 1595


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Cvetnic, Sanja

Scudum solidissimum : post-conciliar sacred imagery at the south-eastern borders of catholicism and beyond


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Penry, S. Elizabeth

Canons of the Council of Trent in arguments of priests and indians over images, chapels and cofradías in seventeenth-century Peru


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Cohen, Leonardo

A postmortem of the jesuits' banishment from Ethiopia


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